If you want to create QT-based applications without complications you will want to install the Qt Design Studio tool on Linux.
Qt Design Studio is a user interface design and development tool that allows designers and developers to quickly create prototypes and develop complex interfaces.
Qt Design Studio offers an ideal workflow for prototyping and developing complex interfaces with Qt.
How to install the Qt Design Studio tool on Linux
To install the Qt Design Studio tool on Linux, proceed as follows:
Step 1. Open a terminal session
Step 2. Check if your Linux system is 32-bit or 64-bit. This can be done using the command below:
uname -m
Read: How to know whether you have a 32 or 64-Bit Linux/Ubuntu
Step 3. If your system is 64-bit, use the command below to download the program. If the link is out of date, download the latest version and save it with the name qtdesignstudio.run:
wget https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qtdesignstudio/qt-designstudio-linux-x86_64-1.6.0-rc2-community.run -O qtdesignstudio.run
Step 4. Give execution permission for the downloaded file;
chmod +x qtdesignstudio.run
Step 5. Now install the program with the command;
sudo ./qtdesignstudio.run
Step 6. On the displayed screen, follow the instructions to install the program.
Ready! Now, you can start the program in the Applications / Dash / Activities menu or any other application launcher in your distro, or type qtor in a terminal, followed by the TAB key.
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